Who can replace Robert Mugabe just today?
Who can replace Robert Mugabe just today?
Does Zimbabwe have a single individual who can counter Mugabe’s stature and replace him just today?
Those that are in the fore-front seriously lack many vital qualities and those that would qualify are scared stiff to even cough or sneeze to announce their presence.
Anyone who expects to replace the stature of Robert Mugabe must not lack in charisma, intelligence and firmness (which must definitely border on ruthlessness.)
That firmness must uphold the required consistency but that also can be counter-productive if it is not matched by an intelligent ability to change direction depending on the shifting and changing circumstances. Inflexibility sometimes depicts dullness and not intelligence.
I unreservedly acknowledge and admit that Robert Mugabe made all efforts to suppress (and even assassinate) his colleagues and contemporaries so that only he (and he alone) would remain and indeed did remain as an “icon” while everyone else stood out as confused, lacking in various leadership qualities and at worst, and appeared as criminals or “sub-standard” human beings who had to perpetually depend on Mugabe for patronage, guidance and “forgiveness and mercy” (where need be.)
To the simplest ZANU-PF supporter, Mugabe must even now be allowed to “rule” Zimbabwe for another 100 years even if that meant him being 183 years old at the end of that period.
Robert Mugabe himself created that sorry scenario and we will pay very heavily and very soon for singing that simplistic song, “Long live President Mugabe….”
A look at a few revolutionary heroes brings out the following:
The late Rev Ndabaningi Sithole had a great stature, charisma etc but Robert Mugabe made sure he was “brought down to size.”
The late Sithole’s idea of parcelling out a few farms at a time and settle families on them was a brilliant idea and deserved the support of all patriots.
That noble idea was “crushed” as evil and the only possible reason why it was evil was because it had not originated with the country’s “Pope” ie His Life Presidency and Excellency, Cde R G Mugabe.
It had to be “crushed” without delay and , for sure, “crushed” it was!
The late Dr Joshua Nkomo in 1980-81 organized the former ZIPRA Combatants and encouraged them to pool their resources together and buy farms with their meager “de-mob” pay-outs and it was an excellent idea!
They did buy various farms and called them “NITRAM FARMS.” They were very much affordable because many white former farm-owners were fleeing “black rule” and were selling these said farms for nearly “peanuts” as they took the “chicken run” down to the then- Apartheid South Africa.
Any honest analyst will agree with me that as far as the land question is concerned, Dr Joshua Nkomo and his ZAPU were very clear and very consistent.
It was Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF who were rather confused and inconsistent.
They failed to match ZAPU’s NITRAM programmes and their desperate HUNZVI and his ZEXCOM failed dismally because the war-veterans had been disappointed many times before and could not trust anyone to administer their then- Z$50 000 payouts.
Hunzvi’s ZEXCOM devoured their monies and many of them are now destitutes after the confirmation of their worst fears.
Dr Patrick Kombayi seems to have a point when he said many ex-fighters suspected that the late Guy Clutton-Brook and others had “planted” Robert Mugabe within the Revolutionary Movements to dilute their thrust towards the land question.
Politics being the “dirty” game that it is known to be, Nkomo “kaNyongolo” had to be “crushed” and 20000 lives later, in 1987, there was no ZAPU and Nkomo (as said by the then- Minister of Information Joice Mujuru a.k.a. Teurai Ropa Mujuru) was just a “senile” person who needed to be accommodated in the high echelons of Government solely to “consolidate” the “Unity” born on the 22nd of Dec, 1987.
In Dec 2007, this so-called “Unity Accord” will celebrate its 20 years but the Ex-ZIPRA Combatants have not yet got back their NITRAM farms. The majority of these ex-fighters have since died and their families are wallowing in poverty.
Joseph Msika (Co-Vice-President) and John Nkomo (Speaker of the House of Assembly)sip their whiskeys and inhale their snuff and have nothing to say on that very sad issue.
Within ZANU itself, Mugabe has mocked everyone who attempted to lift his head to challenge his leadership of the Political Organization.
Qualified rivals like Eddison Zvobgo had their own glaring faults eg pride, arrogance, drunkenness, etc and they were easy to brush aside.
Edgar Tekere developed into a character that appeared perpetually drugged and drunk and dismally failed to really make the mark.
When about 30% of the Electorate voted for him in that Presidential Election of 1990….were we serious? Did we really expect that guy to be “His Excellency”?
Did we just want to make a point? Is History repeating itself?
Emmerson Munangagwa’s name was (or is ) associated with the dreaded “Mid-Night” Functions of the CIO (assassinations, disappearances of Opposition members) etc.
He was the Chief (or one of the Chief) planners of the Gukurahundi Massacres in the Midlands and Mandebeleland.
His name has also been associated with corruption, illegal dealings in diamonds both within Zimbabwe and in the DRC (during that stupid war.)
He caused a handsome, young man called Godfrey Majonga to be a cripple now “half-asleep” at Danhiko Centre (who suffered for being in a love triangle with this man who describes himself as “soft-as-wool.”)
The few other “icons” eg Dr Nathan Shamuyarira always sing the song that the succession issue cannot be discussed because there is “no vacancy” at the highest office of the land.
What “bullshit”!
Will we discuss the succession issue when Robert Mugabe’s corpse is lying “In-State” at some Hall at Mbare (awaiting burial at the National Heroes’ Acre….if the bloke will be buried there or at all because of the chaos that will ensue at his death!)
I think that corpse will be cremated in public in Mbare or Highfields and I, Mufaro Stig Hove, will be there to provide the coal for the fire!
The problem also with characters like Nathan Shamuyarira is that he is not the highest in the real line of ZANU.
Robert Mugabe has a plan of confusing his real challengers by “promoting” or “causing the promotion” of undeserving characters.
This I will discuss in detail when I tackle my favorite subject: “THE DYNAMICS OF RGM/ZANU-PF POLITICS.”
In passing, look at how Masvingo was led by a former “PADARE” presenter, Cde Josaya Hungwe. To those who are “born-frees” etc….”PADARE” was a Propaganda Programme which glorified “white rule” and they were “wondering” if the black man knew what he was doing when he said he wanted “BLACK MAJORITY RULE.”
Those rather simplistic in your midst will say,…”Ah…was that not putting the Policy of Reconciliation to work?”
But it was more complicated than that!
Wily Bob’s primary objective was to “demoralize” and frustrate Dr Eddison Zvobgo. And to “neutralize” him.
More on that when I tackle that subject in full!
Look also at this present Minister of Home Affairs! That Beit Bridge guy!
He was being investigated for murder…that Kembo Mohadi guy!
When the dockets were very ready and were about to be actioned by the Attorney-General…..Lo and Behold….Bob called a Press Conference and announced that Kembo Mohadi was the brand-new Minister of Home Affairs!
So what would the Police and the Attorney-General do now about the said murder docket?
By God….naMwari….Bob akapenga!
We have looked at how Robert Mugabe has managed by various foul means at keep at the helm of both ZANU-PF and the Government of Zimbabwe.
I invite you to agree with me that all the men and women that inter-acted with this small man (RGM) became scared stiff of even mention of the name ROBERT MUGABE.
They attended many funerals of men that were assassinated by that evil, “British-suited” dictator.
But the raw truth that stares all in our perplexed faces (whether in ZANU-PF or in the Opposition Parties) is that this Robert Mugabe is 83 years old (or even older.) That’s 20 years after the Retirement Age of many Organizations. Which Company has on its Payroll an Accountant or Personnel Officer who is 83 years of age?
The man’s heart can just stop at any time and that would be perfectly okay because 83 is really a very “ripe old age.”
But ZANU-PF has given the man the lee-way to continue up to 2010 (and he will be 86 then!)
On the Opposition side we have men and women who will not sit down and present a single individual to replace that Octogenarian!
We have (on the one side) an inflexible individual who claims that the whole Opposition Movement is “in his pocket” ( to use his own words.)
He scolds his subordinates and swears by their mothers’ private parts if they “dare” differ with him on certain policy issues eg whether to participate in the (of course, useless) Senate Elections or not.
The desperate Nation “clings” to him because apparently he is the “bravest one” in a Nation “immobilized” by fear.
Last Part:
Prof Arthur Mutambara was “imported” as a Shona to try and salvage a desperate situation.
Unfortunately, he is viewed by some emotional, misguided MDC supporters as a “muchekadzafa”, ie one that has come to harvest where he did not sow.
“Milk-on-the-nose” Nelson Chamisa arrogantly asks “Mutambara ndiani?” as if the 12 October, 2005 split was a non-event. That is the type of “rigidness” which I was referring to at the beginning when I said, “ Some inflexibility may not reflect intelligence, but dullness.”
Also, is Tsvangirai of that height and depth that he is prepared to step aside if it were in the best interests of the Nation of Zimbabwe? Can he understand the need for that, if it were suggested to him?
Would he not shout that it was a “CIO” plot to “chop off the ‘head’ of the MDC”?
That’s the problem we are facing in Zim Politics today.
Mugabe has duplicated himself in nearly ALL OF US (perhaps including me too) and we will, perhaps, need to “import” a President from another country, say, Namibia to come and run our country for us when the tyrant “kicks the bucket.”
ZANU and ZAPU were intelligent enough in the 70s to ask the Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa to be their “new and fresh face” in their struggle against the evil, racist Ian Smith regime.
The expiry of Robert Mugabe will bring real chaos to Zimbabwe and the South African Government may have to send in troops to restore order.
Is it not long before I am proved either right or wrong!
Hey, fellow Zimbos, we need a man of great stature NOW to challenge Robert Mugabe’s madness and unite all the forces (incl. Enlightened ZANU-PF members and the Military and Intelligence wings of our troubled Nation of Zimbabwe.)
If it means raising money to “buy out” Morgan, let every avenue be explored!
I rest my case and declare the debate open to all of us as CONCERNED ZIMBABWEANS.
Rev Mufaro Stig Hove….The Radical Mindset.
Cell: 0791463039 RSA
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